Green Kandelumo wordmark
Green Kandelumo wordmark

Notice: We have closed up shop

Kandelumo was born in 2020 at a time when I (Melody, the owner) needed a creative outlet, a chance to make something physical, a way to spread joy, and a mental challenge. The business trundled along for years, just sustaining itself, even as I had less and less time to devote to it. I realized in mid-2024 that what Kandelumo gave me when I needed it was again being fulfilled by other elements of my life.

Deciding to dissolve the business before it really took off as it deserved was tough, but it would have been tougher still to keep going and maintain a healthy balance. I’m so proud of the candles I created and the sustainability mission I upheld since the beginning. I hope it brought you a little joy as well.

This minimal website will remain live through 2027 to make sure you have access to important safety and jar cleaning information, and you're still always welcome to contact me with any questions or feedback.

Thank you so much to everyone who’s supported this tiny business. Adiaŭ!

A lit match stands on a table against a dark background.
A lit match stands on a table against a dark background.
A sink faucet runs on full.
A sink faucet runs on full.

